For more posts in this series, check out my tutorial on Devise Authentication with Rails 5. Acts as Taggable On is one of my favorite underrated (and awkwardly named) Rails gems. There’s almost always the need to search or organize objects in…
The types of nightmare clients you get as a freelancer and how to avoid them.
This article is a part of my series on freelancing in China. For more articles on the subject, click here. Over my time as a freelance web developer, I’ve become pretty good at sniffing out clients who will be a…
Always get paid before you start a freelance project, except in this one case..
This is a part of my series on freelancing in China. For more articles on the subject, click here. I recently had to cancel a contract with a freelance client, which is something I hadn’t had to do for a…
Devise Authentication with Rails 5
Devise is the cornerstone gem for Ruby on Rails authentication. With Devise, creating a User that can log in and out of your application is so simple because Devise takes care of all the controllers necessary for user creation (users_controller) and…
How I spent october in Tokyo
I feel like I need to catch this blog and you guys up on everything that’s happened in the last two months. It’s been ages since I wrote my last real post, while spending a few days in Seoul in…